Frequently Asked Questions

If you‘re looking for a company to clean your air ducts, look no further than South Bay Hers. We‘re experts in the field and can get your ducts looking and functioning like new again. We know the importance of clean air ducts and will work hard to make sure yours are sparkling clean. Contact us today for a free quote.

It refers to sanitizing the air duct of various forced air systems, including the grilles and diffusers, to flush out debris and unwanted particles, maintaining a safe environment to breathe. 

Air duct cleaning not only keeps you safe from lurking illnesses but also preserves the purity of your environment and maintains a healthier living. 

There is always an obvious difference between a professionally-handled service and a service done by an amateur. It is always important to call on the services of a professional air duct cleaner to handle the job for you, especially for a commercial building. Only a professional knows the right equipment for the kind and nature of the service. 

With the use of a high-voltage vacuum and compressed air tools, the dirt is being sucked out from the ducts. Only a professional can handle these tools properly. 

There are various methods of duct cleaning, but the commonest and most effective methods are power vacuum and air sweep. Although in some cases, the nature of the service determines the method to be used.