Air Duct Cleaning Bay Area

Air Duct Cleaning Process


Generally speaking, due to their accessibility, every component of your home is simple to service and maintain, whether it be cleaning the furnace’s filters or winterizing the central air conditioner. Your air duct system, however, is one component that is frequently disregarded within the house.

Your home’s air ducts make it possible for temperature-controlled air to circulate inside. But the system may also get contaminated by dirt, filth, mold, and even pests. In order to maintain everyone’s health, it is important to get your air ducts cleaned correctly.

Learn more about the air duct cleaning procedure and how we can deliver dependable and beneficial services to your home in our location.

How Do You Clean Air Ducts?

Cleaning the air ducts entails checking the whole HVAC system and removing any particles that may have gathered there and may be contributing to poor air quality. Although it seems like a straightforward technique, the biggest issue that frequently arises is that dust will stick to duct surfaces.

The dust from the inside surfaces won’t be effectively removed by merely positioning a conventional vacuum line next to a vent. To prevent it from being blown into other parts of the house, the dust has to be effectively cleaned off and collected.

Additionally, a professional cleaning of the air ducts can assist homeowners find undiscovered problems with their air duct system. Our professionals may do a check to find any holes or dislodged ducts that are preventing particular regions of the house from receiving the full power of the conditioned air.

What are the advantages?

Although cleaning your ducts won’t eliminate dusting from your to-do list, it does provide a few advantages that you’ll undoubtedly notice.

  1. Benefits in terms of efficiency: Yes, clearing out any junk from your ducts may make the entire system run more smoothly. With clean air ducts, your furnace or air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to move air throughout your house.

Additionally, cleaning your ducts and furnace at the same time will assist to increase the efficiency of both.

  1. Cleaner indoor air: Eliminating excessive amounts of dust, debris, or mold from your air duct system can improve the quality of the air in your house, which may lessen allergies or irritations caused by airborne allergens for you and your family.

How to Clean an Air Duct

When one of our technicians shows up on time, they meet the homeowner and do a quick assessment of the furnace and ductwork. In most cases, they choose the optimum entrance through a basement window to run a lengthy vacuum hose from our truck-mounted vacuum equipment to the furnace.

After preparing the access apertures, the technician inserts a vacuum hose directly into the main ductwork. For our strong vacuum to work as efficiently as possible, the system is sealed off between hot and cold air, and all air vents are then closed.

All air vents are then cleaned using 250 psi of compressed air while the duct system is being suctioned. The technician is dressed in safety gear, as you can see… safety glasses, a dust mask, and hearing protection. At our company, using these things is something we never omit.

The same cleaning process is used on all heating vents. The return air duct is then cleaned, along with any return air grilles and vents, using our vacuum hose. Normally on the top level, we always begin with the air vent that is farthest away and make our way down to the basement.

Using a mix of air whips, our reverse air nozzle, also known as an air snake or skipper, and our own custom-made air cannon, we begin at the end of the duct system once all the air vents have been cleaned. The major ducts are now being cleaned of any material that may have been in any of the air vents or connected pipes.

Small 1′′ apertures that we have strategically placed throughout the duct system allow our air whips, also known as Scorpion rods, to be inserted into the ductwork. This machine vibrates the duct system’s inside, breaking up any caked-on dirt on any surface. Then we utilize our air snake, which blows all the remaining debris, even heavy objects, back towards the vacuum line.

The furnace fan, air conditioning coil, furnace filter, plenums, and compartments are among the many parts of the air handling system that are cleaned. After that, the furnace is shut up and put through a test cycle.

Hoses are put back on our vehicle, and all windows and doors leading into the house are locked. Here, we put the final touches on the task by cleaning the furnace, including the inside of the doors, replacing any filters, and concluding our assessment of the system’s functionality. The workspace is properly cleaned, and our expert signs their work by sticking a sticker bearing our brand name to the wall. Additionally, the sticker itself contains other helpful details about our business.

How frequently should your air ducts be cleaned?

Your primary air duct system’s location determines the frequency of cleaning. We advise that every three to five years, floor duct systems should get cleaned. Services should be performed every five to seven years if your air ducts are in the ceiling.

Air filters occasionally need to be serviced and changed, even if duct cleaning isn’t a yearly procedure. The frequency of air duct cleaning may need to increase if the air filters are not replaced. Additionally, there may be instances where air duct cleaning is necessary sooner rather than later, such as when interior remodeling or construction work is being done and there is a lot of dirt and sawdust produced.

Find Out More About Us!

At South Bay Hers, we offer high-quality cleaning services at a low cost in an effort to maximize the performance of your complete heating, cooling, and ventilation system. Learn more about the air duct cleaning services we offer.

Jonathan Luu
Jonathan Luu

Air Duct Cleaner @ South Bay Hers

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